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Question : Being you're here in Staten Island making a rehab start before going back up to Trenton AA and even tho you didn’t win the game, what was the best thing that came out of your start yesterday?


Answer : I threw a lot of strikes I felt really good, obviously you want to do little better for the team in general but I'm happy with how I felt and the team had my back out there which was nice.


Question: What's the biggest thing  you're going to take from this start to help you for your next start whether it is here in Staten Island or at Trenton?


Answer: You know honestly I'm going to do the same thing, throw strikes, hope hits land because it's hard to hit the baseball and just throw strikes and put the ball in play and go from there!   














































Question: Sadly you guys didn’t win the game tonight but what was the most positive thing that came out of it for your players?


Answer : I thought we did a heck of a job batting got down early guys didn’t let them get to them guys took good AB’s guys stepped on the mound went right after hitters so to me that’s a heck of a job batting we gave our self a good opportunity that's all we can ask for.



Question : With Nick Green pitching down here for a rehab start from Trenton what is something he improved on from his last start.


Answer : Green’s a competitor everytime he steps on the mound he gives his best effort and I think he did that tonight. Obviosly didn’t have his best stuff but a lot of that was one inning left, a lot of balls up and couple balls got hit hard but that’s baseball. 



Question  You played for the Yankees and in the Major Leagues now your coaching these young men, What's the biggest thing coaching these young men?


Answer  There a couple things, one work hard, two have confidence and trust in your abilities at the end of the day that's all you can really do If you play the game the right way play the game hard  good things happen to most people.


Question  With Tim Harady coming to the game he hasn’t pitched all series were you impressed with him tonight and what did you think of the walk off?


Answer : From Harady Standpoint I thought he did a heck of a job. His fast ball was working well had a little Giddyup to it,  was spottin' up well and his breaking ball was working well for him today and Molina in that at bat he got down early 2 strikes at that point you just got to fight, give yourself an opportunity, I think he did that.


Question : What was the biggest thing you or the players have learned from this series that you will take into the next series


Answer : I continue to say this they continue to battle and never put there heads down they think they have a chance to win and we think they have a chance to win too









































































Question : Let me start with yesterday you had a huge day at the plate and had huge win, you were down a game in the series what's the biggest thing for you indivually and as a team that helped you in that series ?


Answer : I think it's one in the same, I mean all we can focus on is that next at bat, the next pitch, just doing your job the best you can.  We've been very fortunate everyone is strong willed and level headed, we're never really down on ourselves, we pick each other up and you realize it's a really long season and series... best thing you can do  keep going.


Question : With the walk off tonight, the fans loved it, you look like when you come together as a team nothing can stop you guys... what's the biggest thing that helped you guys tonight?


Answer : The biggest thing is to pick up the guys around you and realize everyone's got ups and downs, one guy not doing so hot another guy can pick up the slack and you can tell the guy who didn’t make it happen offensively you got a job to do so just remember a guy a job he has to do.


Question : Your Manager David Adams played at University of Virginia and you played at George Washington how cool is it to have someone who played college baseball in the same state as you now showing you the Yankee Way.


Answer : It's very cool and it’s a small world you know the circle keeps getting tighter, the more people as you go further up realize and recognize you  from around so it's very cool to have a guy from Virginia show you the way.    





































Interview with Leonardo Molina




Question : What was the biggest thing you learned this entire series vs Hudson Valley?


Answer : The Key was to compete every game, every at- bat and every pitch


Question : What was going through your mind when you hit the walk off and got the Gatorade bath?


Answer : Trying to put the ball in play and it was a great win




































Interview with Oswald Peraza


Question So you guys didn’t win the first game of the series last night but what was the biggest change that you guys made tonight to help you win the game?


Answer : First thing is we have confidence in the whole team we know we can do everything in the game.


Question : You guys have very good team mentality how did that help you guys for tonight's win?


Answer : It helps us a lot because we never let our teammates down whether we do something good or something wrong.


Question : You've be hitting great and batting lead-off what will you take from tonight's game and help you for tomorrow's game?


Answer : His adjustments he doesn’t think about it, he just performs on the field
































Interview with Tim Harady




Question :You haven’t pitched during the series vs Hudson Valley until tonight... what was your mindset when you got the call to come into the game?


Answer : It's really no different if I pitched yesterday or I pitched a week ago I have the mindset of going out there, attack the zone using my stuff that I know I have and do what I know, power inthe zone really.


Question : With you guys winning two out of 3 games in the series  with the win last night and the walk off tonight...talking to coach you guys been cheering each other on like family...what's the biggest thing you think helped you guys win?


Answer : Were not backing down as a team it's kind of like you punch one of us you punch all of us you got to knock us all down to get a win so it's nice and I couldn't do it without all the other guys on the team like the three plays they had, they came up big for us if I wasn’t them I wouldn’t be having success


Question You’re a huge C.C Sabathia fan your wear 52 because of him and what your favorite C.C Sabthina memory of C.C seen he going to retire at the end of season?


Answer : That’s a really hard question. I honesty don’t know, I can't think of one moment I I was like I value the way he did him being a big guy and I'm a big guy from the left side his whole career has been crazy impressive.      




Left : Nick Green warming up in the bullpen game one of the series vs  Hudson Valley Renegades 
Right : Nick Green pitching against The Hudson Valley Renegades  
Photo Credit : BURG Sports Network Owner Michael Ferrara 

Story 25.

Interview with Staten Island Yankees Players and Manager David Adams 

Interview with Nick Green

Interview with David Adams

Top : Staten Island Yankees Manager  David Adams talking
to Outfielder Isaiah Pasteur during Batting Practice 
Bottom : David Adams talking to Hudson Valley Renegades

and home plate umpire during the pre-game of the final game of the series 


Photo Credit : BURG Sports Network Owner Michael Ferrara 

Interview with Isaiah Pasteur 

Left : Isaiah Pasteur  Coming into the dugout after the 1st inning 
Right : Batting at the plate going two for four vs The Hudson Valley Renegades 
during game two of the series 
Photo Credit : BURG Sports Network Owner Michael Ferrara  
Leonardo Molina hits a walk-off  vs The Hudson Valley Renegades in the final game of the series  
Photo Credit : BURG Sports Network  Owner Michael Ferrara 
Staten Island Yankees Shortstop Osald Peraza gets a base hit vs The Hudson Valley Renegades 
Photo Credit : BURG Sports Network Owner Michael Ferrara 
Left & Right Tim Harady warming up in the bullpen pitching 3 innings and  striking out 6 batters  
Photo Credit  : BURG Sports Network Owner Michael Ferrara 

Interview by BURG Sports Network Owner Michael Ferrara 

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