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BURG Sports Network is a national professional sports media company that covers high school athletics in Loudoun County, VA. We also cover collegiate and professional sports events on a regular basis. Our work has been seen by ESPN and has been nominated three times by the Best of Loudoun.
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Story 56
Post Game Interview with
Wake Forest Head Baseball Coach Tom Walter
& Wake Forest Baseball Player Michael Ludowig

Tom Walter standing on the third base side during Wake Forest baseball practice.
Photo Credit : Jaylynn Nash/Wake Forest Athletics
Question : Tom, you just mentioned talking about Michael Ludwig and I've been, you know, asking you about Michael's development as a player, especially what you did tonight defensively and offensively. What impresses you the most of what he did tonight?
Answer : Well, I just thought he had good they mean again like Connor said I mean just accessing that left centerfield gap he homered to left he doubled left center twice. You know again and that's what Michael does best and that's what we've seen, when he's going good, he's kind of in that part of the field. And so, and he's and he's laying off pitches in the dirt, I know he struck out a one pitch in the dirt but there were some other pitches where, you know previously this year he would have flipped some counts and swung at some pitches out of his own and and and gotten soft late but he was able to take those pitches today and get fast balls and fastball counts and, you know, again, these guys are good hitters if they're getting fast balls and fastball counts, they're gonna have success.
Interview with
Wake Forest Baseball Player
Michael Ludowig

Briar Woods alum & Wake Forest baseball player, Michael Ludowig, celebrating after hitting a homerun in the game
Photo Credit : Jaylynn Nash/Wake Forest Athletics
Question : Hey Michael, obviously, you had a huge day at the plate today & out on the field today you made a couple diving catches if you could just talk about, you know your mindset at the plate today you know how you're feeling in the two plays in the outfield?
Answer : I would say my favorite part of being an outfielder is just when the ball goes up you get to chase it and, and it sounds simple but it's a lot of fun actually and I enjoy that. So, in the outfield I always, I tried to get a good read on the ball and, and I was able to just go and run down with one of the balls and make a couple diving catches it, it always feels good to help out the pitchers when, when they've helped us plenty of times this season. And at the plate. I'm just trying to stay back, stay my back hip and not once forward which is what Me and Coach Billy have been working on. And just seeing the ball deep and letting it travel and then hitting it hard, nothing else really besides that, not trying to do too much or anything just trying to be myself.
Question : And then for team chemistry you know obviously you guys are gonna play Louisville to get a spark like this on the offense, how does this help you guys you know when you're facing you know ACC opponents?
Answer : Yeah, every week's tough in the ACC especially with Louisville and, and Florida State, and, and these teams that are really, really talented but we think we're talented too, and, and we have to be ourselves and hopefully we can take care of it itself.
Question : And then my last question for you Michael, I've covered you know since your high school days of Briar Woods, I've known you for a little while, now from your previous coach Coach Miller, what were some things that he taught you, you know that your days of Briar woods that have helped you translate at the college level that's made it easier to help you to when you joined Wake Forest?
Answer : Yeah, just something that I've been focused on from from high school, even into college and it's something that all my coaches have showed between like Coach Miller Coach German, Jenkins and my hitting coach in high school Eddie Kim, and then the hidden coaches here with Billy Cilento, Joey and coach Wall is just staying in my back hip, letting the ball travel and not jumping out into it and munging getting in my front hip, but I'm jumping out in front, I can't use my hands. So right now I'm just trying to focus on using my hands to the ball and keep my weight back.
Interview by BURG Sports Network Owner Michael Ferrara
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